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There are a number of myths and falsehoods that exist in the public understanding of the Vietnam War. Many of these were promoted and continue to be advanced by the "anti-war" crowd, a number of whom now hold positions in academia. The following is not an exhaustive list but consists of the main issues that we have identified. Each myth is linked to a documented response.

- The US had no reason to be involved in Viet Nam
- The Vietnam war was immoral and illegal
- Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist and a benevolent leader of his people
- The South Vietnamese government denied the people a free election on unification [related to the guarantee of free elections written into the Geneva Accords]
- The Viet Cong were an idealistic nationalist group, just like the American Minutemen
- The rationale for US intervention in Viet Nam was based on a fraud
- The US military routinely used inhumane tactics on the people, while the VC were benefactors
- The great majority of villagers were VC sympathizers, so no counterinsurgency programs ever succeeded
- The Tet Offensive was a devastating blow to the US and SVN forces and a major military victory for the communists
- Media coverage of the war was balanced and accurate and contributed to development of appropriate US policies
- Antiwar protests shortened the war and saved lives
- The war was fought by victims of US society, and the lasting effects on survivors were much worse than for other wars
- The South Vietnamese never really fought well, they weren't really committed to the fight
- American POWs and other prisoners of the communists were treated humanely
- The determination of the North to carry the war on was never affected by any military setbacks or US actions
- The United States fought and lost a war in Viet Nam (which was unwinnable in any case)
- After NVN "liberated" the South, everything went well and suffering ended
- The Domino Theory was a silly invention, and nothing remotely positive resulted from US involvement in Viet Nam
- Most U.S. troops were poor soldiers: they lacked discipline, were poorly led, were usually stoned (and older ones/lifers were usually drunk)
- Almost all US troops committed atrocities against civilians
- Many US troops committed acts of violence against their own command (fraggings)
- US troops were barbaric, racist and hated gooks to the extent they saw the Viet Namese as a sub-human species
- The use of defoliants destroyed 70% of the crops in the South, poisoned the ground in Viet Nam for decades and caused an enormous increase in birth defects throughout the country
- The National Liberation Front which was the underground opposition government to Saigon controlled the Viet Cong and prepared the declaration of how the South would be governed once the revolution was accomplished
- The guerilla forces of the Viet Cong were made up of southern nationalists and their strategies and tactics led to the defeat of the US and in the end, the ARVN forces
- That by '71 antiwar activities among the troops was common and resulted in frequent refusals to leave the bases
- That in reality the stories of returning soldiers being spat at or upon was made up by Far Right extremists as a way to smear the antiwar movement
- The coup against Diem was one example of the messiness and foolishness of Vietnamese politics, since things were messier for years afterwards than they were when he was in power, and the US really had nothing to do with it
- Giap was a true military genius, his defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu was a military marvel
- The devotion of people in the North to the defeat of the South was shown by the 1.4 million men that died in the struggle, all volunteers eager to serve their country (and there was never any draft resistance in the North, again showing the solidarity of the people for the cause)
- The USA paid 80% of all the costs of the French war against the Viet Minh
- The level of aid from China to the Viet Minh was really tiny compared to the aid from the US to the French
- The Pentagon Papers showed conclusively that the US government had lied about every facet of the war, from its earliest stages to the end, and that the US should never have been involved in Viet Nam at all
- We deiberately targeted the rice paddies in the North to flood the homes of innocent civilians and, thus, kill thousands more by starvation. Also, we purposely bombed well-marked hospitals.
- With the signing of the Paris Accords, the communists did return all our POWs to us
- The Phoenix Program was an immoral 'assassination program' that killed many innocent civilians, as well as Viet Cong political cadres.
- U.S. used poison gas (proscribed weapons) in Vietnam and Laos and conducted secret operations to assassinate American POW's [longshadows] in Communist hands.
- There was no bloodbath in Vietnam after the communists took over.
Research Links
- Primary Source Material
- Avalon Project - Yale's repository of State Department documents
- CIA FOIA Documents
- Foreign Relations of the United States - State Department documents - select Indochina from the Volumes dropdown menu
- The Pentagon Papers from the National Archives
- The National Archives - Department of Defense records
- Mount Holyoke Vietnam links collection - press releases, speeches, CIA and State documents, etc.
- Army Center for Military History
- Air Force Historical Research Agency
- Naval History and Heritage Command
- Marine Corp Historical Division
- Coast Guard History
- Virtual Vietnam Archive
- Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff, FOIA Requester Service Center
- Veterans Pages
- Examining The Myths of the Vietnam War
- Vietnam War Myths
- Vietnam War Facts
- Statistics About the Vietnam War
- Vietnam War Myths and Facts
- Vietnam Veterans Home Page
- Facts and Myths of the Vietnam War
- Vietnam Veterans Facts
- Facts and Myths
- Facts About The War
- Vietnamese and American Veterans of the Vietnam War
- Related Sites
- Saigon Arts, Culture & Education Institute
- Media Myth Alert
- Vietnam Myths vs. Facts
- Mythed Opportunities: The Truth About Vietnam Anti-War Protests
- Articles on the Web
- Expert Punctures 'No Bloodbath' Myth - Dr. Robert Turner
- Bloodbaths in Vietnam: The Reality and the Myth - Dr. Robert Turner
- Gen. Bui Tin Describes North Vietnam�s Victory
There are a number of myths and falsehoods that exist in the public understanding of the Vietnam War. Many of these were promoted and continue to be advanced by the "anti-war" crowd, a number of whom now hold positions in academia. The following is not an exhaustive list but consists of the main issues that we have identified. Each myth is linked to a documented response.